Wednesday, May 11, 2011

10 Things

Some things you may or may not know about me!

1) I was a bit of tomboy growing up. I'd play street hockey with the boys and I wore hideous clothing. I had no idea what fashion was even when I was in middle school! I wore boys boxer shorts as regular shorts!

2) If I knew how to, I would love to work on an old car. I don't care what kind of car, just as long as the frame has clean design lines, I am alright with any model.

3) Secretly I am a good cook. Deep, deep down. If I had an amazing kitchen with fresh ingredients stocked in my fridge and pantry, I would go to town. It's the artist inside of me, I love to create! I have a secret recipe for Strawberry shakes and French Toast. I am also great at baking pies- just ask my Mom.

4) I love the idea of keeping family traditions. My family has some great traditions such as Christmas stockings, Christmas ornaments, Easter baskets, a costume box, and when I was in school, special colored lunches which corresponded to the Holiday- such as Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day. I will carry these on.

5) My room has always been messy. One day I will be super organized since that's what I like- a simple, modern home. But for now, I am taking baby steps... IKEA I love you.

6) One of my favorite websites for years has been I love playing their game of the day and challenging myself with new words.

7) I bite my lower lip when I am nervous or uncomfortable. Adam also says I get this distinct laugh, almost like it is faked or forced.

8) One of my best and worst qualities is that I am sensitive. Before, I allowed myself to be easily offended, but it is definitely something I have learned to overcome and something that I am consciously aware of. On a more positive side, it's a blessing because I am innately considerate of others. I seek to help people feel comfortable and I want them to have their needs and wants.

9) It's like a game for me to look good. I love fashion and I love to creat something new on my body. Fashion is an art project for me. Sometimes it's hard to find a balance between fashion and comfort but that is the fun in the game.

10) One of my most life changing experiences I had was studying for a month in Meso America. Seeing the way the world works in those countries was life defining for me. I found myself there. I remember a specific moment when we were in the airport coming home. I literally felt optimism permeate my soul and I was never the same. Since that time, optimism has been one of my best friends.

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